British Millerain Co. Ltd will conduct its business with respect and care for the environment and requires all employees, contractors and suppliers to carry out their activities in accordance with this policy.
Specifically the company will:-
Assess the environmental sensitivity of processes and the impact of operations on the local, regional and global environments.
Manage energy and water wisely in all operations.
Comply with all applicable environmental legislation and consents.
Limit waste generation, discharges and emissions and handle waste in a responsible manner, reusing and recycling materials, where feasible and economic, to minimise the need for disposal.
Operate in a planned and responsible manner, preventing pollution through spills and accidental discharges. The Company will maintain emergency plans.
Make continuous efforts to minimise the environmental effects of our operations with regard to the economically viable application of best available technology.
Work with suppliers, customers and contractors to promote awareness of the importance of environmental issues and the need to work in an environmentally responsible manner.
The Company will report on environmental performance annually.
The environmental policy will be implemented by means of an environmental management plan, which describes the organisation, responsibilities and arrangements in place to attain the aims of this policy. Through a programme of audits we will monitor, control and set improvement targets to promote environmental protection in all activities.
The Company recognises that operating with concern for the environment is good business practice and will ensure that all employees are aware of environmental issues and are trained to fulfil their responsibility. The Company will assign adequate training and resources to implement this policy.